Jazz Ensembles

For those who love jazz, ABRSM offers a wide range of group music making within the broad area of jazz. Any group of two or more people can take part, and they are free to offer anything and everything within the requirements of Syllabus.

There are three levels of examination:

Initial for performers of Grades 3 to 4 standard
Intermediate for performers of Grades 5 to 6 standard
Advanced for performers of Grades 7 to 8 standard

The gradings

The examiner will award an overall grading, rather than a mark, taking into account the following elements of the performance:

• Technical accomplishment
• Understanding and communication of musical vocabulary and style
• Organization and flexibility of improvisation and its impact on such matters as unanimity of outlook, balance, contrast and blend.

The gradings are as follows:

A: achieve a pass with distinction   
B: achieve a pass with merit   
C: achieve a pass   
F: failure to reach the standard required to pass