Practical Musicianship Exams
The exams, available in Grades 1 to 8, allow the candidates to produce music that they perceive internally in response to immediate challenges and stimuli-without the preparations, in front of the examiners.
In a Practical Musicianship exam candidates demonstrate their understanding of melody, harmony, rhythm and form by responding to questions about music and by singing or playing an instrument of their choice (through playing by ear, singing, reading from notation or through improvisation).
The gradings;
The examiner will award an overall grading, rather than a mark.
The gradings are as follows:
A: achieve a pass with distinction
B: achieve a pass with merit
C: achieve a pass
F: failure to reach the standard required to pass
Remark: There are no age restrictions and students can start with any grade or skip grades if they want to.

In a Practical Musicianship exam candidates demonstrate their understanding of melody, harmony, rhythm and form by responding to questions about music and by singing or playing an instrument of their choice (through playing by ear, singing, reading from notation or through improvisation).
The gradings;
The examiner will award an overall grading, rather than a mark.
The gradings are as follows:
A: achieve a pass with distinction
B: achieve a pass with merit
C: achieve a pass
F: failure to reach the standard required to pass
Remark: There are no age restrictions and students can start with any grade or skip grades if they want to.